7 tips for a strong skimmia!
The evergreen skimmia is hardy, so it's a perfect choice for some extra colour in your fall garden! Here's how to keep a skimmia beautiful and robust. Our plant experts have gathered all their tips to give you a helping hand! Please read our seven tips for a strong skimmia, and enjoy this beautiful evergreen shrub.
Tip 1: Favourite spot
The skimmia doesn't like to be in full sun. Skimmia prefers a few hours of daily shade. It originates from wooded areas, standing under a thick canopy of leaves. Avoid placing it in full sun as it will turn yellow.
Tip 2: Water
This plant is quite thirsty, so it loves a good drink of water. It requires a lot of moisture to keep its leaves green, so don't be stingy with the water!
Tip 3: Soil type
The skimmia likes slightly acid soil. If you don't have any, it can be fixed in no time with our old trick... Add some copper coins to the ground, which will become more acidic. You can also use hydrangea soil for this. We have this available at the garden centres. Please find your store with our store locator.
Tip 4: Pruning
Your skimmia does not need much pruning. You can cut away old branches and leaves to keep them in shape. This helps it stay fresh and vital and prevents energy from going to old branches. For excellent pruning tools, our experienced staff is happy to advise you.
Tip 5: Pruning time
If you have to prune your new green friend, preferably do this in springtime. Wait until the frost period is over. As skimmia is not a fast grower, and if it is not necessary, leave it as it is until springtime.
Tip 6: Drainage
Although the skimmia likes water, be sure to have good drainage. Of course, this is not a problem in open ground, but if you plant your skimmia in a pot, ensure that any excess water can drain away. The excess water can create root rot.
Tip 7: Christmas
The skimmia is famous for the fact that it is often used in Christmas arrangements! The beautiful red berries are, of course, ideal for this purpose. So, feel free to cut a few branches during winter to use as decorations indoors!
Buy a skimmia
A skimmia is an excellent option for some green and red in your garden during the colder months. It brings life back to the garden when it looks dull, and you can use some pieces for your personal Christmas decorations. If you are looking for a skimmia, you are welcome to visit our garden centre. Our staff is pleased to help you and advise in case you have questions.